Our Staff

Rev Roger Brook
Children’s & Playgroup
Office Administrator

Church office: 8396 3252 | 0419 822 548
Email: office@gullychurch.org.au


What are our values and beliefs?

Gully church believes its calling, vision and mission is:
“Serving Jesus Christ, Serving His Church, Serving Our Community”.

Gully Church is an evangelical church and is part of the Generate Presbytery
We are part of the Uniting Church In Australia and adhere to the Uniting Church’s
Basis of Union.

The safety of our church, children and community are of utmost importance to us. Please click here go to our ‘Screening Checks’ page for information re: applying for Working With Children Checks and other checks that may be required. Thank you.

The Lausanne Covenant is widely regarded as one of the most significant documents in modern church history.

It defines what it means to be evangelical and challenges Christians to work together to make Jesus Christ known throughout the world. It is a covenant with one another, and a covenant with God Himself. 

Click here or the image to read the document